Monday, January 16, 2012

6 days!

Until I'm HOME!

Even though I'll only be back for a week,I know very well it is better than nothing at all.Can't wait to be in the embrace of my parents and friends.Can't wait for the smell of my home when I open the door.Can't wait for the taste of food that I could NEVER get here.Can't wait.
There was a time,or many times,that I had wish to be anywhere but home.
But right now,where I want to be is,at home.
Don't get me wrong.This place I'm currently living at does feel like home with the amazing people that make my each day.I have been truly blessed.
Yes,I know I have said it many times,but I will not cease to say it again and again,that I am blessed.To be here,to study what I have always dreamed of,to be with people that love me,that I am happy and grateful,content,with all that I have received and receiving.
But there's just no place,no place at all,like home.
For me,home is where my loved ones are.So,currently,I have three homes.
Malaysia,New Zealand and Indonesia.
Malaysia,I'm coming home!
New Zealand,I hope I'll be able to visit this year.I miss you so much that I dream about being there..
Indonesia,you'll always have a place in my heart.

Going to pull off an all nighter!Last week of exams,fighting on.

Wait for me.

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