Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Outside my window...

There are three incidents that happened.Or,happens frequently.However,do take note,that the third incident only happened once.Thank God!

Incident 1
So for those who know me enough,would know that I live in a government apartment.My family was blessed to have the ground floor unit as there are no elevators.Having said that,there are many cons to that advantage.One of the most significant would be that the bunch of contract foreign workers that clean the area happen to find sitting outside my window,where our so called garden is,very comfortable.There are 10 blocks in the compound but I do not know or understand why of all places,outside my window happens to be the most appealing to rest.Resting would be fine with me actually.But,what I can't stand is that they can't bloody shut their pipeholes.You see,they speak with extremely high-pitch voices like cats sound when being run over.RIGHT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW,BESIDE MY BED.I did consider putting up a silent-zone sign on my window but realised they might not be able to read.Even if it was in Indonesian.Yeah,call me a bitch,I don't care.Come live with me for one day on a weekday,then you'll understand the point I'm trying to make here.

Incident 2
Before my trip to NZ last year,I was in my room a lot.And on one night,I heard a knock on my window.My natural reaction would be to see who's there.*Knock knock**Who's there?* and guess what? *NO ONE!* Well,of course I didn't ask who's there but when I checked,there wasn't anyone there.At first,I thought it would have been a family member cause they always do that to me knowing that I'll be in my room,and giving me the heads up that they're on their way to the front door.But when I realised that no one came to the house,I sensed some hanky panky going on.But I told myself,I was probably just imagining things.
A few days after,the same thing happened.First knock,I ignored thinking I was hearing things.Second knock,I yelled for my mother to check it out.But when my mum checked,no one was there.Then,it happened again.My mother instinctively took a piece of wood from the kitchen and went out the front door to check it out.No one.
This incident repeated a couple of times and everytime it happened,I won't bother going to the window.In fact,it made me very angry knowing someone was literally harassing me.One night,daddy was home when it happened.Father and mother went out with torchlight,wood and a metal rod (I THINK).Apparently saw some boy on his way taking out the trash but he claimed it wasn't him.Also,there were a group of unknown guys around.I don't know who else father and mother spoke to or complained to,but ever since that incident,no more knocking!I guess the wood and metal rod did really show that perv who's THE BAUSS!And,most definitely,who NOT to mess with!MUAHAHA!

Incident 3
Last year,can't exactly remember which month,there was an accident.Or more like negligence.There was a family living 3 floors above me,and their 11 month-old son crawled out their opened bedroom window and...as you might have guessed,fell out and landed right outside my bedroom window.It was in the news apparently.On tv and in the newspaper.The parents kinda realised that he was missing only after awhile.When they realised he was missing and probably looked out the window,realised their son was in the drain outside my window.However,there was no blood at all.Sadly,the baby was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.I won't get into the details of how I found out,but let's just say I knew something was wrong before the parents knew.Problem is,the window seal is quite high above my bed,so I can't see what's in the drain.When the father came down to take him,I was wondering why the heck is there a baby outside my window?Children usually play outside my window but I knew the baby was way to small to play by himself.And,it was too early to play.Like 7 in the morning.This is a very sad  story,but true.

Now,I'm wondering...Is my window cursed?And no,there are no sightings or hauntings of any entities.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure it's not the baby who did all the knocking?
