Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First Taste

Hello.Once again!I know I've been MIA for awhile now.So,here's what I have been up to.

Currently in a new country,so plenty of adapting to do.There's just so much.So much going on.
Since arriving,I felt that time passes so fast that it is difficult for me to recollect my thoughts and be overly homesick.But I do miss home.I miss the people most of all of course!Just that I don't really find myself crying or dwelling on the fact that I DO miss my family and friends SO SO SO much.

I was just dreading over the fact that Monday has come but it's already Wednesday now.And that my first mid semester exam is in a month's time.OH THE HORROR.I have not even fully grasp the format of the exam.Everyone seems to be doing it according to what works for them and that makes it difficult to know what is right and what is not.By everyone,I meant the seniors and each tutor's method varies.sickening.In a sick and twisted way,things work systematically unsystematic here.wait,what?

Enough of that.

I must say I have been truly blessed to have found myself some pretty awesome friends.Though it has only been a few weeks,I know I am surrounded by great and loving people.I met most of them back in Malaysia.Being here,helps us to see who is worth keeping as friends,and most of all as family.I must say,this is my new family here and I thank God for it. :) Also,I have been attending church!I'm very happy to have been able to go to church every sunday so far.The church I am currently attending is in Bandung City but transport is provided and we are accompanied by Malaysian seniors who are absolutely kind and nice.Though not an English church,it is most of the time bilingual and that is good enough for me.A fully Indonesian-conducted church is much more difficult and awkward,trust me.
I am also happy to report that there is a CF in the medical faculty or uni.Two,in fact.One is with the Indonesian students and another created by the Malaysians,for the Malaysians.I have attended both and both are equally fun and fulfilling.

I am sad to report that my English is getting from bad to worse.I hope by reading all the medical textbooks,my English will improve or at least,survive.There's so much to read and study.For one session of lecture,there are about 70-100 slides.Each lecture is 3 hours long and I have a full day of lectures every Tuesday and one on Mondays.

It's almost a month now,since I arrived.Oh Father,help me through!October is going to be more stressful and full of surprises.I'm sure. :)

That's all for now. <3 

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